We believe that the doctrine of the Church of Christ is scripturally and spiritually
based on the Word of God.
We believe that Christ is active in the lives of all who worship Him.
We believe the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God Himself, therefore the Holy Spirit is
someone and not something.
We recognize preaching and teaching the Gospel as its first priority in obedience to
the command given to the first Disciples by Jesus Himself.
We believe that is one is to follow the path of righteousness of Jesus Christ, she or
he must be totally submerged under water, which is known as "water baptism."
We believe that the observance of the Lord's Supper by all believers is essential.
We believe that, according to Scripture, Christ demonstrated one of the greatest acts
of humility, love and self-sacrifice by lowering Himself to wash His Disciples' feet.
We believe that one can only be restored to divine favor through salvation.